Working with Older People


CCM is in regular contact with around 30 local elderly people.  We are open most Mondays for our lunch club.  This currently has around 14 regular attenders but can be as many as 20. Our chef, Katie’s, cooking is always popular and our afternoon activities much appreciated.   Occasionally we have outings to the pub, garden centre, or museums etc.  Friendship, laughter, and enjoyment are common features of our Monday afternoons. 

Please contact Carole via the office for more information – email or call 02476 615931.

Holiday from home

This year we are running a full programme of outings.  These are Cadburys World (May), Arely Arboretum (June), Shugborough NT (June), Evesham Country Park (July),  Murder Mystery at Mission (August) Severn Valley Railway (Sept). 

Please contact Carole via the office for more information – email or call 02476 615931